Saturday 25 February 2012

The Great Cucumber Mystery

A couple of weeks ago we bought a cucumber on the way home from a walk along Vallis Vale. Within two minutes of leaving the shop it had disappeared and there was a tell-tale hole in the carrier bag. We immediately re-traced our steps, but it was nowhere to be seen. Relating this story the next day to some Fromians, they told us the area where the rogue vegetable went AWOL was once notorious as a red light district. Its name? Badcox.


  1. Interesting Blog this. We recently moved to Frome too, but from Bristol. We love it, but like you it is not 100 percent of the time as we still commute.

    Lovely walk that, through Valis woods/vale. Its especially good when snow is on the ground through Great Elm (so calm and peaceful) and past the old run down Mill on the way to Mells.

  2. Thank you for your comment. The 'De La Beche Unconformity' in the Vale is pretty spectacular too!

  3. It is indeed, one of the best examples I understand.
