Sunday, 29 April 2012

Here's to you, Benjamin Braddock

Frome Drama Club continued its obsession with all things transatlantic with a production of The Graduate at the Merlin last week.  While their last show (and our first experience of FDC) was a triumph (Ayckbourn's very English The Revengers' Comedies) , the company seemed less at ease with the American vernacular (though ironically they keep on producing plays written or based across the pond).

It was technically slick - good sound, lighting and video projection - and staged with a boldness (complete with sex scenes of varying athleticism) that would leave many an am dram company hiding behind their Noel Coward scripts. But somehow it never really took off. It wasn't as funny as it should have been nor as sexy. But there were a couple of stand-out performances  - Dan Gaisford as the eponymous lead (perhaps a little old for the part, but still convincing) and Tina Waller as the girl he eventually leads away from the altar and off to a happy ending in a motel room.

I wonder if the directors are enamoured of American theatre, while the actors are more comfortable on British soil. Their autumn production is Macbeth set during World War I. We shall see if the witches can weave some home-grown magic.

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