Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Tree Cheers for the Council!

The centre of Frome is a most attractive place with its ancient streets and buildings, except for the unsympathetic Westway Centre and the surrounding tarmac desert of car parks. But the Town Council wants to "soften" the Market Yard parking area with tree planting. This is the first glimpse of the town for many visitors - either leaving their cars there to venture further afield or to attend an event at the Cheese & Grain next door. And it hardly says "Welcome to our unique and historic borough".

The Market Yard from across the river on a 'Frome Flea' day

I say "bravo" and while others may splutter "waste of money", this is actually dosh from the budget that is earmarked for just this sort of thing. And there are times when our surroundings need a helping hand from our political masters. 'Green' volunteers - such as the Friends of the River Frome - can't be relied upon to do it all. 

Now it's just down to Mendip District Council (the owners of the car parks) to rubber stamp the idea. Come on, Mendip, don't be planting poopers...


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